Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cool Tips

Hot and humid temperatures can make your make up behave in strange ways. Here are some cool tips to help you look hot!

  1. Keep make-up in place by using powder formulations on eyes and cheeks, touching up with loose translucent powder throughout the day.
  2. Concealing a breakout gets tricky in bright sunlight. After applying foundation, brush a water-based concealer directly onto the blemishes and then blend away the edges seamlessly. Lock in place with a dusting of loose translucent powder - not pressed powder, which tends to cake in the heat.
  3. Chapped lips? Un-chap lips by coating them with a lip balm. Even though trendy lip-gloss has a wet look, most aren't hydrating.

Tips for Colour Usage

Get into these colours and become one with the music of the spheres.

  1. Hot lips take centre stage. Take on the heat and don't just stop at red!
  2. Go for a gold tint for the face and shoulders. No need to rush. Precious metals are going to be around for a while.

  3. Focus on seeing the forest from the trees when it comes to your make-up palette.

Go with the flow in fluid shimmers of blue and silver.

  • Hit the ground for inspiration. Earthy tones and hues of clay give the palette a stone edge.

    Few Tips for Great looking heeks

    Now, tinge your cheeks with pink, red, brown and beige. But make sure it blends well. Here are few tips for great looking cheeks..

    1. First invest in a good blush brush. Your readymade ones that come in the compact boxes will not do. Choose something that is fairly full and round with tapered sides. Of course it should have soft bristles.
    2. Accentuate your cheeks by smiling. Now apply the blush in upward strokes and blend it with your hairline.
    3. Remember, your make-up should complement your outfit and not clash with it. So, choose colours that will blend with your clothes.
    4. For day wear, keep the look natural. For fairer skin, it's peach or cool pink blush that will subtly accentuate your looks. If you are dusky, then stick to brown and bronze shades.

  • Body Beautiful

    It must be the dream of every individual irrespective of gender to appear beautiful. How to look beautiful is the one of the most important questions that is asked repeatedly within ones mind and finding out the ways to achieve the objective of having the body beautiful is the major look out of almost all of them.

    Looking beautiful is not anyway a tough task. The simple way to look beautiful is to look natural. It is not true that wearing lots of makeup can really make one look beautiful. The primary concern behind how to look beautiful is by keeping the heart and mind pure in order to keep the inner self-beautiful and this in turn will attribute you with a body beautiful. Here are few tips to you’re your body beautiful by practicing some simple rules. You look beautiful if you put stress on retaining a set of beautiful hair, a beautiful face, beautiful skin and extensive care should be taken in order to achieve the objective to look more beautiful.

    Tips on beautiful skin
    Always keep your skin hydrated and soft by having lots of water. It is necessary to drink at least 2-3 liters of water everyday. It is also very much required to moisturize the skin to keep it silky smooth and the moisturizer should always be of good quality and should match the skin type. If you will be using a moisturizer twice daily on the face and the neck, then a difference is inevitable. There are also crèmes that are specialized in treating ailments, like pimples, acnes, blemishes, age spots and wrinkles. It is also mandatory to use sunscreen lotions whenever going outdoor in sun.

    Tips on beautiful hair
    Brushing the hair, especially if the tresses are long is a mandatory. Brush the hair with a wide toothed comb or a soft brush will be wise. It is very good to use a wooden comb to brush the hair. Always brush your hair with a gentle hand and tie it up in a bun, if you are at home or sleeping as this will prevent the split end problem of hair. Wash the hair regularly with a mild shampoo, an herbal one will be nice, condition it and put protein packs at regular interval. If you have short hair then it is better to keep it below the chin. This offers a young look. Using, hair accessories of different types also add up a special note to your look.

    Tips on Lip Beauty
    A proper shade of lipstick has much to enhance ones look. So, it is always better to choose the shade effectively. It is better to avoid very dark shades, especially the ones in brown. Always put a lip-gloss to up the lip stick, it will make your beautiful lips looks much more attractive.

    Sleeping habits
    A sound sleep is very much required to keep ones self healthy and contented and add up to your motto to have the body beautiful. Sleeping at length offers you with refreshment. If you will not have a sound sleep for some specific hour’s everyday, then it will cause hindrance to the metabolic functions. The hormonal functions will also be affected by it and hence it adds momentum to the aging process. So sleep well and be beautiful.

    A nice range of perfume attributes a positive vibe. A fragrance says a lot about the personality of an individual and therefore, it should be chosen very effectively to carry a body beautiful in the eyes of others

    Friday, October 23, 2009


     Check with your Doctor

    Yoga asanas can be practiced by young and old alike. While there is no one who should be excluded, check with your doctor before you begin a course if you suffer form a medical condition or have any doubts..

    Factors to be considered before Starting Yoga

    You do not need special equipment to practice yoga. 

    • Although you can buy foam yoga mats, a towel on a carpeted floor will do just as well.

    • For practicing indoors, you will need an open space, clear of furniture.

    • The room should be comfortable heated and free from disturbances.

    • Try to practice yoga every day.

    • At the same time, be gentle. Do not force yourself.

    • A yoga session should be a joy.

    • Set aside a time when you will not be disturbed and you will not have to rush. Morning practice helps loosen up stiff joints after sleep. Evening practice relieves the tensions of the day.

    • Whenever you practice yoga, avoid eating for at least two hours beforehand.

    • Many of our regular daily activities tend to emphasize the use of one part or side of the body. To achieve a healthy and harmonious balance, it is important to keep all parts of the body equally strong and flexible. Yoga exercises make each group of muscles work equally on the left and right sides of the body to achieve equilibrium

      Proper Diet

      In yogic philosophy, our diet affects far more than our physical well-being. Our vital energy, mental capabilities, and emotional health are all influenced by the food that we eat. The practice of meditation, postures, and breathing exercises is directed towards bringing the mind and the body into harmony. Eating the right foods is an important element in achieving this goal. Foods that are beneficial to us are said to be Sattvic, or pure. Impure foods that can upset our physical, emotional, or intellectual balance are identified as being in the categories. Tamasic (stale or rotten) and Rajasic (stimulating). You should avoid these foods.

      Avoid tamasic foods
      Foods that are stale, tasteless, unripe, over ripe, or putrified are Tamasic. They poison the body, sap our energy, and dull the intellect. Tamasic foods include meat and fish, mushrooms, and foods that have been frozen, preserved, tinned, over-cooked, or re-heated. Foods that have been fermented, such as vinegar, are Tamasic, as are all drugs and alcohol. Eating too much is also considered to be Tamasic.

      Avoid Rajasic Foods
      Onions and garlic, tobacco, eggs, coffee, tea, chillies and other strong spices, and foods that are sour, acid, or bitter are all Rajasic. Chocolate, white sugar, white flour, and most prepared and convenience foods are also Rajasic to a lesser extent. All these substances excite the passions and over-stimulate the mind, making it difficult to control. Eating too fast and eating too many combinations of foods is also Rajasic.

      Choose Sattvic Products
      Sattvic foods from the ideal diet, being nourishing and easy to digest. They create new energy and a clear, calm mind, enabling us to use all our mental, physical, and spiritual talents. Sattvic products include cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables, natural fruit juice, milk butter, beans, honey, and pure water.

      Stop Smoking
      Yogic philosophy identifies two impure categories of foods-Rajasic (over-stimulating) and Tamasic (Stale or rotten). Tobacco is both giving up smoking eliminates toxins from the body and helps you to achieve a calm mind and body.

      Avoid Caffeine
      Caffeine is considered to be Rajasic, as it is powerful stimulant. It causes the mind to be over-active and gives the body artificial energy. It can also disrupt your natural sleeping pattern, impairing your ability to relax. If you cut out tea and coffee from your diet, you will find that meditation becomes easier.

      During Pregnancy

      The ante-natal period, when your body and mind are engaged in the creation of a new life, can be a rare and valuable learning experience. Yoga can help you to have an easier, healthier pregnancy and delivery. Practiced slowly and gently, the postures relax and strengthen the body, helping you to adjust to many of the temporary physical changes. The breathing exercises can help you to make the most of your breath.


    • Do not perform the Bow.

    • Do not attempt the Locust.

    • Shoulder stand and Plough should only be practiced if comfortable.

    • Do not perform the Cobra (or the seventh Sun Salutation position).

    • Do not practice the Peacock.

    • Do not perform the Headstand for the first time during pregnancy. If you are used to it, you can continue until it becomes uncomfortable (in about the fourth month).










    Wednesday, October 21, 2009

    How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau

    No matter how efficient your diet & workout plan, you are bound to face a weight-loss plateau at one point or another. But this does not mean your weight-loss trend has ended, it just means that you need to revise your tactics and fitness routine to overcome the plateau and march ahead! Plateaus are common to anybody who's been on the same diet and exercise plan for a while, which is the reason why you don't see the same results you saw at the beginning. But its not as scary or difficult to break a weight-loss plateau. I've done it myself, and I hope my ideas help you achieve similar results too!

    If you've been eating right and exercising often, you've probably been losing weight at a rate of one or two pounds a week. However, as you get closer to your optimum weight, it usually gets harder to lose those last few pounds. You know you've hit a weight-loss plateau when more than two weeks have gone by without any further change in your weight, while you still follow the same regimen! So the first thing you do is review your exercise and diet program, find out what's wrong and make amendments. Here are a few helpful tips to get you started!

    Calorie Intake & Diet Plan
    As you probably know by now, weight loss is all about burning more calories than you consume. A healthy diet plan is the key, so take a quick look at your food diary, or calorie intake.

    Are you still keeping track of your portion sizes, even when you are dining out?
    Are you spacing your meals 5 times a day, dividing daily calories between them?
    have you recently sneaked in a few desserts or carbs thinking a piece won't hurt much?
    Did you switch to sodas instead of smoothies and juices?
    Are you drinking enough water?

    It's easy to increase your calorie intake accidentally, without realizing how its hurting your diet plan. Remember, a baked potato is not the same as a baked potato with gravy and butter! So evaluate your calorie consumption; maintain a diet hhournal if you like; if you are well above the 1200(for women) or 1500 (for men) daily intake level, you can try cutting down a couple hundred calories to break the plateau. However, if you are consuming less than 1,200 calories a day (1,500 for a man), your body may react by slowing down as a self-preservation measure. This means your metabolism rate falls, and you actually store fat even if you're working out consistently.

    Eat 5-6 Times a Day
    Eating frequently stabilizes your blood sugar, controls appetite, and keeps your energy up. Ideally, you shouldn't go more than three or four hours without eating something. Doing so slows down your metabolism and makes your body burn fat at a slower rate. Its also very important to eat as soon as you feel hungry - a feeling of hunger indicates your blood sugar is going down, which makes you prone to craving simple sugars. If you're eating three times a day, eat five. If you're already eating five times, upgrade to six or seven. This doesn't necessarily mean you'll be eating more food; just divide your calories into 6 meals per day.

    Change Your Workout Routine
    "Variety is the spice of life" - and this phrase has never been so fitting to a scenario! It takes your body only four weeks to get used to a workout. Once something becomes a routine for your metabolism, plateaus are likely. The most efficient way to break a plateau is to shake up your fitness routine. Join an online weight loss program to find tips and ideas. If you are used to 30 mins on the treadmill, switch to cycling or kick-boxing instead. Instead of the stationary bike, switch to a Stepper or a StairMaster. Instead of running in the morning, try playing tennis or do some swimming. Use Interval Training to your advantage; short bursts (30-60 sec)of higher-intensity movement, such as sprint, followed by 2-3 mins of less intense exercise like walking. Adding variety to your routine brings revs up your metabolism as the body has to start adapting again.

    Add More Strength Training
    If you are not doing so already, start lifting weights now to boost your metabolism and burn fat! When you lift weights, your muscle fibers suffer tiny tears which causes you to experience soreness for a couple days; but that's normal. Changing the intensity of the workout helps a lot. Try to increase the amount of weights you lift, or try changing the number of repetitions. Whenever you change a workout routine your body responds by burning fat. Do not under-estimate the power of strength-training; in fact, lifting weights is the best way to conquer that plateau! Challenge your muscles with harder exercises or heavier weights (every 6 to 8 weeks), adding a set of risers during your step class, increasing the incline on the treadmill, the duration of your run/walk, etc… It might seem tough at first as your newly challenged muscles will have to work harder but you will burn more calories and build more lean muscle mass in the process. its always a good idea to do a combination of resistance machines and free-weights, as the latter can increase metabolic rate as high as 10% in one session!

    Avoid Alc0hol & Drink Water
    Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Every time you feel the urge to snack, drink a glass of water first and see if the urge goes away. Coffee, tea or any other juices count as liquids, but add an extra glass of pure water for each cup of coffee you drink, as caffeine tends to dehydrate the body. Research has shown that BMR increase by 30%, not to mention flushing out all toxins from your body, thereby contributing to a healthy weight-loss. As for Alcohol, it is a known fact that it contains a large amount of calories, but hardly any other nutrients, and some of these are also high in sugars and fat. Alc0hol consumption slows down the fat burning capabilities of the body, as the body focuses on using the alcohol (a toxin) as fuel, rather than burning fat for energy. Alc0hol also dehydrates, which in turn, makes you hungry. So avoid Alc0hol, and start drinking more Water instead!

    Losing weight requires exercise or controlled caloric intake . While its important to maintain a healthy weight, do not get obsessed by it! And plateaus in weight loss are very common; it only means you've successfully lost a lot of weight, and now you need to re-evaluate your regimen to overcome the weight-loss plateaus. Just follow the simple steps above, and you'll be ready to drop a couple more sizes the next time you buy yourself a new dress!

    Tommy Exercise Myths

    Our bodies are genetically conditioned on how we lose or gain weight. Interestingly enough, the first place where we gain weight is the last place where we lose it. We cannot reduce only the part we do not like. Once we lose fat from our body, we lose inches everywhere even where we do not want to lose.

    The problem with tummy muscles is that we do not generally exercise this muscle in daily life. It is not greatly challenged from climbing stairs, bending, stretching or walking. We, therefore, have to make a special effort to encourage it to come back into line. The movements have to be small and controlled and depend on the effort put in by the exerciser to get really good results. Secondly during pregnancy, as the baby grows inside the muscle (transverse) is pushed forward. A huge amount of stretching is going on and tends to leave the muscle loose and hanging forward after the birth. It is essentially the lack of strength left in this muscle which allows the tummy to sit in that rather round forward position Mothers would recognise from after birth.
    In all cases it is the lack of exercise for this muscle which causes it to become loose and give the 'pot bellied' appearance.

    Myth No. 1: By doing some midsection exercises one can reduce 'love handles'. Fact: You cannot reduce fat from a certain targeted area of your body just by using exercise alone. And the abdominal area is no exception. So if you want to get a flat stomach and to reveal your abs, losing the fat covering them is the way to go. And the only way to do this is to lose fat proportionately from your entire body by burning more calories than you consume.

    Myth No. 2: You have to do tons of crunches.

    Fact: Overuse of crunches will only shorten your abs, pull your head forward and gives you a bad posture. To reduce fat in your bodies, you need to do cardio exercise and eat nutritious foods in reasonable amounts. In simple language 'burn more calories than you consume.' The cardio helps to burn that stored fat and the lower calorie diet forces the body to use the accumulated fat for energy.

    In addition, the crunches and a total body workout (with weight training) helps the body to increase muscle mass. Muscles burn fat; fat does not burn itself so, the more muscle we have, the more fat our body uses for energy, so we lose weigh faster. If you only do crunches, you will develop your abdominal muscles and strengthen them. This will reflect in better posture and less back problems, but you will not be able to see your abdominal muscles because they will be covered with fat.

    Myth No. 3: Exercise is more important that nutrition.
    Fact: Diet is one of the key factor when trying to get a flat tummy. Plan your nutrition in advance, to avoid dietary downfalls. Focus on protein, green vegetables, fiber-rich fruits, and zero calorie drinks such as Green Tea and water. Avoid all sugar.

    Myth No. 4: You must do train your tummy every day
    Fact:You don't need to do direct tummy training every day. Instead, train them twice per week and use non-conventional exercises such as Mountain Climbers and Stability Ball Jackknives to reduce the stress on your low back. Avoid the overuse of crunches and sit-ups in your training program. Instead, beginners, should focus on abdominal endurance with planks and side planks, and work up to more advanced exercises, but still avoid doing hundreds of crunches lying on your back.
    Concentrate on increasing daily incidental activity. Reduce the use of labour saving devices like remote controls etc. Rearrange the house or office environment so that it is physically inefficient making movement mandatory. Try standing or, even better, pacing when chatting on the phone. Park further away from the entrance of a shop, and use the stairs instead of the elevator. ...source:

    A Look on Diet Fitness

    Many people nowadays are very much conscious about their own health and fitness. In addition to that, these people, and many others as well, are now having that desire to sculpt their bodies to ahieve that magazine-cover look. As a result, gyms, health spas and other fitness centers have proliferated all over to cater to the needs of the fitness buffs and afficionados.Even on television exercise machines, weight loss products, and other paraphernalia to improve fitness have more or less gained control over the airwaves and made their way into the households. But exerise is not the only way to build that body beautiful. It also entails certain amount of responsibility on the foods one chooses to eat. Being healthy and fit requires one to observe diet fitness.Diet fitness is as essential as exercise itself. Diet for fitness provides the essential nutrition one needs to restore worn-out muscles and for healthy growth. Diet fitness should never be taken for granted. With the popularity of keeping fit, many different views, methods, programs and dieting strategies have been formulated by many professionals. Among these are high carb diets and high fat diets. Whih one is more effective and which one should one choose to follow?First thing to know would be the fundamental differences between these two diet approaches. As the name implies, high carb diets concentrates on taking in carbohydrate-rich foods while high fat diets endorses fat-rich foods. High carb diets are utilized to glycogen stored in the liver and muscles. Glycogen is a glucose complex that provides large amounts of energy ready for use in anaerobic exercises.Fats, on the other hand, is well-nown for being the richest source of calories. It actually contains 2.5 times more calories than carbohydrates and proteins alike. Studies also show that it takes the body 24 calories to metabolize carbohydrates while it only takes 3 to burn down fat. So which one to follow? A person can follow a high carb and low fat fitness diet or the other way around. It is absolutely not recommended to follow both at the same time; unless of course if you want to gain body fat.But then diet fitness is not all about losing fat, one must also consider his diet in order to keep fat away. Research shows that sustainable loss of weight can only be achieved on a diet which suits the individual food preferences, lifestyle, medical profile and satiety signals.Diet programs all over can help you shed off excess pounds, but only one diet can help you stay sexy, and it is the one that satisfies you most. Other important aspects of having a fit diet are moderation, balance and variation. One must be careful not to leave out important nutrients and other substances necessary for healthy body functioning. health organizations are clear about the amounts of nutrients an individual should have in the body.Low fat high carbs, high carbs low fat; the question is not which diet program will work out but which is it that will work for you. Striving for a sexy and healthy body does not have to burden an individual, diet fitness does not have to mean sticking to the same kind of food for life. One may even try to be adventurous and try out new foods out there. Who knows? one may even discover spinach interesting.

    Tuesday, October 20, 2009

    TheBad Effects of Anger

      Have you been angry? Good for you if you have not experienced such state. Anger is unpredictable, it could blow out its ferocity little at a time or just ones with a big blow.
    Anger is common among people who live through less ideal home life. Dealing with it that has develop over a lifetime of pain and frustration is like trying to hold the lid of pressure cooker. The longer such enduring anger linger,the more the chance that it will overflow into other relationships, that may result to conflicts, rejection or hostility.
    Person who is experiencing it may express their anger by hitting or yelling, or by rebelling or refusing to speak. What can we do to help people experiencing it? Let us help them realize that talking the anger is much better than doing it. They really need someone to talk to, who will listen them for them to pour out their feelings, they need counselor for it.
    This is what I learned from my own experience on harboring anger. Not just that, anger could cause insomnia, heartaches, hyperacidity , hormonal imbalance and other physical ailments due to emotional stress. I have taken some prescription drugs for the physical ailments I have experienced but there was no complete healing on it. Forgiveness in my heart has been the best drug to it.